Quest / Touratech


Registered user
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
Murcia, Espana
Worked fine before but now that I've removed it from one bike and onto another I'm getting this message - Turning off in 30 secs - 29 - 28 -27 etc
When you first insert the Quest into the mount it picks up the (direct to the battery connection) power OK - then it displays the above message - then it may power off after 30 secs or when it gets to say 21 secs it goes back to 30 secs indicating that it's again picking up the power - then back to the above message - the power cable was new from Touracetch last year - the pins on the mount are OK i.e. not bent - the gold conections on the rear of Quest all look OK - when I use it in my car on the Quest mount it works fine.
Anyone had Touratech power connection cables fail before?
Certainly a power detection problem - you'll just have to work back thru the cabling to see where. In the meantime, you could set the Quest to not turn off if the 'mains' power is removed.....Menu > Setting > System Setting > External Power Lost = Stay On

After a while, they all do that. It's the terminal connnection losing contact and you obviously have auto power off set (to change it, go to menu/system setup/external power lost and change it).

To fix the problem at root cause, if you look at the right-most terminal on the GPS cradle, it'll have started to degrade or bend. You can try to GENTLY move it out. Eventually, it'll stop making contact, so you need to wedge a bit of paper (seriously!) between the top of the cradle and the satnav unit just below and to the right of the OK button. This effectively pushes the GPS closer to the contact and hey presto it'll work.

If you want to check and prove that this is the case, turn on the satnav, then press the button with the picture of the 2 windows on it until you get to the blackish screen with the speed in big and loads of info below. Look a the battery and you'll notice that it will get a lightning symbol when being charged, a power plug when full but on charge or nothing when no power to it.

FYI, I send Ram in the US an email photo of the broken terminal and they sent me a new QPAC unit (I ordered mine from the US). Great customer service but poor product design in the first place.

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