but opening and closing apps is starting to make me sea sick ....
//////double tab home button and slide app you want to close upwards to close it

:type hope it helps
Updated my iPhone and iPad very early this morning and after a day using iOS7, I'm not impressed with the readability of the re-worked OS.

Auto update for Apps is a nice improvement and like someone else has pointed out, brings iOS in line with Android.

There are some really nice touches with iOS 7, overall I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

Go to accessibility in settings and change text to bold.
Why don't you try IOS1? Thats so less broke than than anything ever.

If I knew how to:D

I seem to remember IOS6 wouldn't run some mapping?
So why change unless there really are benefits :confused:
I changed everything over to IOS7. Like the look and feel now. Things I'm not liking are multiple pages in Safari and that weird background that sits behind the multiple app 'window', I wish I could change the colour.....:type
Have it on iPad2. Definitely slower. Apart from photo gallery app it's errrr ... much a do about nothing.
I suppose it might be better on iphones but on iPad it's just a lot of old Android bits stuck on.
And they still can't work out how to show lowercase on the keyboard when typing in lowercase or give access to 3rd party keyboards.
I don't know if this is true, but I really hope it is.....

Page 46 of the IOS7 terms and conditions :D


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