LC LED headlight

You will be fine, that law is only for the stop lights, not the headlights. and that is for cars, on a motorbike, you must have with you a HI-Viz vest and also EU gloves and a helmet with 4 Hi-viz stickers, but have yet to see the helmets with hi-viz stickers on, so HI-viz vest and gloves and all is good to go.

A moto

A l'évidence l'absence ou presque de rangements sur un deux roues motorisé interdit d'envisager l'embarquement d'un matériel encombrant fût-il intéressant en matière de sécurité routière. Comme dans une voiture exit donc extincteur, boite d'ampoules ou encore kit de premiers secours. Plus sérieusement c'est ce qui a conduit à exclure les deux roues de l'obligation de détention du triangle de présignalisation. Le gilet est par contre imposé. Pendant longtemps a circulé l'idée d'en rendre le port obligatoire pour les motards et scootéristes. L'article R.416-19 du Code de la route précise simplement que le conducteur d'un "véhicule à deux ou trois roues à moteur ou un quadricycle à moteur non carrossé (…) doit disposer de ce gilet sur lui ou dans un rangement du véhicule". Rien n'interdit donc au motard de revêtir le gilet fluorescent mais rien ne lui interdit non plus de le glisser sous la selle.

Mais les principaux équipements en deux roues sont, en réalité, ceux qui sont portés par le pilote. Depuis 1973, le port du casque est obligatoire, comme la ceinture de sécurité en voiture, son oubli en coûtera 3 points et 135 euros au conducteur. On rappellera que le casque doit être convenablement attaché (la non fermeture de la jugulaire sera sanctionnée comme un défaut de port de casque), et ce casque doit être homologué (norme ECE 22-05) et être pourvu des quatre autocollants rétro-réfléchissants.

Le décret n°2016-1232 du 19 septembre 2016 ajoute à cet équipement somme toute sommaire, le port obligatoire de gants homologués. Pour cette infraction, le motard ou scootériste perdra un point de permis de conduire et lui coûtera 68 euros (ou 45 euros s'il s'acquitte de l'amende pendant le délai de minoration).
Which is entirely ignored unenforcable now. Few modern cars have headlamp bulbs that can be replaced at the roadside
Which is entirely ignored unenforcable now. Few modern cars have headlamp bulbs that can be replaced at the roadside

yep if it is really bad that you have no lights, the Gendarmes will normally escort you back to a safe parking area, or sometimes the caserne.
I would imagine that if you have something on that is obviously a motorcycle glove as opposed to a marigold rubber glove.......the job will be OXO.

Sent from a U11
There are no bulbs in an LED headlight unit. I've yet to read of one failing. I've read of plenty of aftermarket LED bulbs failing.
LED, does not have a bulb or lamp, its a diode. LED = Light Emitting Diode.

Theoretically, as there is no lamp the longevity is longer, more efficient with virtually no heat discharge. More often than not with an LED failure its the control or driver that fails, not the actual diode. Generally the only thing that LED lamps struggle with is high temperatures, so we will probably be ok here in our green & pleasant land.

Naturally the quality of the control gear/driver/pcb inside the headlamp is important, but im sure BMW rigorously tested it ;)

In the event of a headlamp failure, rather than throw the unit away & replace (at BMW ££££) i would suggest sending to an electronic specialist who im sure would be able to repair reasonably easily.
We use a lot of LED lighting in my industry and the predicted service life and the actual service life are frequently very different to each other. Admittedly quality is improving. The diodes also degrade over time, so the light output is not consistent throughout its service life.

There are a lot of 5+ year old cars on the road with LED sidelights and brake lights out
You will be fine, that law is only for the stop lights, not the headlights. and that is for cars, on a motorbike, you must have with you a HI-Viz vest and also EU gloves and a helmet with 4 Hi-viz stickers, but have yet to see the helmets with hi-viz stickers on, so HI-viz vest and gloves and all is good to go.

Holy shit, I thought Australia was a nanny state.

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