Stumped with routes imported to basecamp

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Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
May 13, 2010
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Wandsworth, London
OK, so at the initial planning stages and not even transferring to device yet. Device not even connected. BC set to avoid only unpaved roads and faster time
I imported the track into BC (obtained off best biking roads). All good. It mirrors what I expected. I created a route and it too mirrors the track. All good. It goes from A to B along curvy roads.

However, because it starts quite way north of my set off point (C), I want to add my set off point (C) and delete the start (A) of the imported route. I want to go from C to B on curvy roads.

When I add my set off point, it is all good, (C to A to B) however, because I don't want to travel via (A) if I delete, erase or move the first waypoint (A) of the imported route, the route recalculates from C to B and uses all highway! This happens even if I change the routing preferences to curvy roads for the profile. It seems that all the routing info is being held in Point (A).
As soon as I move/delete point (A), i get the pop up message that my route will no longer match the track, so it seems that even though a route has been created from the track, it is still pulling in the breadcrumbs from the track and those appear to be connected to point (A). Yes, I can trace my route, recreate it , skip waypoint etc but there must be a reason why I can't get rid of the original point (A) in the route. Ideas?
OK, so I have a workaround for now. Import route into Kurviger, modify, export and then re import into Base camp and it is ok. Bit of a faff but I can still plan now!
You could if you so wished to, trace a route from the start point you want to add and over the route that is already visible, do it in a different colour so it stands out better. its just another way to do it.
Sounds like your BC preferences are not set right for the kind of route you want.

I think it is because the route is created from a track. If you make changes, the route is recalculated from your new point C to B, but it no longer follows the track. The quickest and simplest is to do as Lee suggests and create a new route that follows the track. Use waypoints at the start and end points, drag n' drop the route between to match the track.

BTW, I think that routes created from tracks might look OK on the computer screen, but you will find that if the route is recalculated on your satnav for any reason - for example you go off route and allow a recalculation - you are likely to be routed fastest/shortest/curvy (whatever your navigation preference is set to) to the end point. Much better to trace a new route over the track in Basecamp, with a few 'shaping points' and then a recalc by the satnav will not ruin your ride.
I have now imported routes off a different site. Straight into basecamp and no errors other than BC requesting to create a new profile to match the imported route (a shortest journey one). Say yes and it's all hunky dory. I can insert waypoints etc etc. All good.
I have given up on the best biking roads route for now as it must have something to do with a route being converted from a track. Its just a niggle that adding a start point and then moving the old start point (A) then alters the whole route to adjust. In theory, all I am doing is moving 1 waypoint (lets leave deleting it for a moment). As you say it must be in the recalculation, and hence I suspect, all points below(A) inherit something from A after creating a route from the track. All my preferences are off anyway and device not connected to so not looked at the transferred one yet. But as mentioned, pull it into Kerviger, and export it again and all is fine...go figure!
You imported a track which contains loads (hundreds of them) of intermediate points to define the track precisely. You cannot navigate a track, so you use Basecamp to create a route from the existing track. It will use intermediate (GArmin Route Point Extensions) in order to keep the route exactly the same as the original track. I call these 'Ghost Points'. Garmin uses them a lot, and they get transferred to the Zumo in order to ensure that the Zumo follows the exact same route.

The problems arise if the Zumo recalculates the route. All of the 'Ghost Points' are replaced with whatever route the satnav has come up with from its internal preferences. As soon as you start to add new points in basecamp or in the zumo, the entire route will be recalculated.

The satnav never uses the identical parameters for calculating the route that basecamp uses. It knows to use Faster / shorter / curvy routes, but no other criteria are transferred. Also - the profile used in basecamp should be set appropriately, and a similar profile set for the appropriate transportation mode in the Zumo will give it a better chance of coming up with something similar to the original track.

The satnav uses the routing preferences from the route (faster, curvy, shorter), not the settings in calculation mode on the Zumo. If the routing preferences or the Transportation mode are altered in the Zumo for the route, the entire route gets recalculated. If you go off route - with only a start and a finish point, the entire route gets recalculated.

Any re-calculation is affected by historic route preferences, historic TrafficTrends, if that is turned on, and any avoidances that are set up for the motorcycle transportation mode.

All of which is a nightmare. In Basecamp, load the track and then create a brand new route using the motorcycle profile with a start and end point. Use the route insertion tool to 'rubber-band' extra points to lie on the track, to force the route along the original track. Keep adding them until you are happy that you have the same route. Then transfer the route to the Zumo.
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