
  1. New Zealand to Helsinki; but how?

    Kia Ora, I’m heading back to UK from my adoptive country of NZ for a little tour around Europe. I’ll be spending a week or so in England to renew my driving licence, buy a bike, sort insurance, and get kitted up before heading off. I want to visit friends in Helsinki, and then take in some...
  2. Flyingtiger

    Pyrenees 2 up.

    In 11 days time, Armed with an R1200GS TE and my better half on the back to keep me in check we will be stretching are biking legs and heading off over to the Pyrenees. Not only is this the first time for us embarking together on a purely biking adventure but it is also my first time heading...
  3. ozziesda

    Coming over from Dublin - advice on accomodation needed

    Hi All, There's a group consisting of myself and possibly 5 others planning a 2 night midweek trip over to Wales in late august. We will be hopefully arriving in Holyhead at around 1130am on Tuesday 26th and are going to head for Aberystwyth for the first night via Snowdonia Nat Park. The...

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