I left the dual sport at home.
Rode my 1977 Kawasaki KZ650 / Z650
on a 9 country trip to celebrate my brother’s wedding.
Grab yourself a beer and enjoy :beerjug:
Hi All
We did are usual 2 week bike holiday on our BMW R1200GSA to Europe this year
This year to the Alps, going down through Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and of course France
One of my mates filmed a fair bit of it and i thought some of you might be interested in seeing it...
I’m putting together a short promotional video about adventure motorcycle travel and need a few fellow GS-ers to join me for an expenses-paid weekend probably April and probably in N Wales. Food (bacon butties and similar) and ‘refreshments’ (:beerjug::beerjug:) also provided.
Good Afternoon All.
Can anyone please advise the best way to dump Go Pro footage on the move? I am off to Spain 08-18 April and know that there is likely to be some great video but I only have a few micro SD cards. I need something with sizable storage that will enable me to dump footage...
Great trip on the 800 with family and friends last year, first time a had been to Skye it really didn't disappoint. Amazing place
Thanks for looking