
  1. First Post lockdown ride in West Wales- R Ninet Scrambler

    Hiya, I have seen a number of GSs and Ninets during the ride but I cannot see the proper place to put this video as the RNinet does not show in the The Bikes tab....
  2. Ever wanted to be in a short film on your GS?

    I’m putting together a short promotional video about adventure motorcycle travel and need a few fellow GS-ers to join me for an expenses-paid weekend probably April and probably in N Wales. Food (bacon butties and similar) and ‘refreshments’ (:beerjug::beerjug:) also provided. ‘Qualifications’...
  3. TomBoyNI

    Wales in a Weekend : February 2017

    Last year I had a bit of annual leave to use up so rather than waste it I took the opportunity for a quick trip over to Wales, having never been before I can honestly say it was great, I went back in September 2017 to do it again with the cancellation of the Welsh Road Race I'll take the...
  4. Deleted account 190222001

    Hoggin' the Bridge - Sunday 19th October

    Morning Chaps, Has there been any pre-arranged UKGSer meet up and ride during Hogging the Bridge in previous years? I haven't attended the event in quite a few years as it normally fell on a weekend I was away and hungover. Anyone game? Peace, out. x
  5. ozziesda

    Coming over from Dublin - advice on accomodation needed

    Hi All, There's a group consisting of myself and possibly 5 others planning a 2 night midweek trip over to Wales in late august. We will be hopefully arriving in Holyhead at around 1130am on Tuesday 26th and are going to head for Aberystwyth for the first night via Snowdonia Nat Park. The...

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