1150 GSA SE won't fire up.


Droopy Member
UKGSer Subscriber
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Chessington, England
Hi, Just come back from trying to start a mates 1150GSA SE.

Thing has been stored for a month or so.

Originally the battery was flat, that is now charged. The tank was not removed but was 'shiffted'. Turns over fine now, even almost starts.

Taken the the plugs and cleaned them, checked for spark...fine. Right hand side plugs were a bit oiled, but left were OK.

Still turns over with plenty of power, still trys to start...but just doesn't catch.

Checked the fuel lines, seem to be OK. Did the throttle cable 'alignment check' that's alright as well.

Could anything fuel wise have been disturbed when the tank was 'shifted'?

Anything else?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Cheers all

Check the electrical connection block from the tank (pump and guage) is pushed together properly also make sure the QD fuel connections are correctly refitted and nothing is trapped under the tank.
It may be worth doing a throttle re set, although not sure if that's affected by the battery previously being flat.
Check the connections to the LH injector haven't been damaged.

I assume you are using the cold start lever:augie
Taken the the plugs and cleaned them, checked for spark...fine. Right hand side plugs were a bit oiled, but left were OK.

. Did the throttle cable 'alignment check' that's alright as well.

Are you absolutly sure the throttle cable is seated on the R/H side ?. Check the throttle is fully on the throttle stop at the throttle body.
Are you absolutely sure it's a 1150 and not a 1200?
Everyone knows 1150's don't break down :augie
tell him not to worry cause its no a 1200 {girls bike }
so its an easy fix
fit iriduim plugs charge batty turn on and press start
job done :aidan
Thanks for the help fellas. The tank was never actually 'fully' removed, have checked the fuel line connections...seem to be tight.

Yeah, I did check the trottle cable. Seems fine engine end. Will check all though.

The electrical block on the R/H side is mated OK.

Wonder if it is worth fully removing the tank and starting again. I wasn't present when it it was 'shifted', so I'm not sure what went on.

It's annoying because you just know it's going to be something and nothing....but 'nothing' worth knowing about.....if you see what I mean....:blast

Yep it's deffo an 1150...seems the GSA version does go wrong....unlike the 'normal' 1150. :augie
Make sure the throttle cable is fitted into the casing under the battery same idea as the thing coming out at the throttle body but a damn site harder to spot

You end up with the right side (Usually) at partial throttle and the mixture control side is at where it should be and the mixture all up the left

if you check both bits of both cables are seated in their holders on both sides and try again

If it's "almost" going try opening the throttle about a 1/3rd
JUst seen this make sure the throttle cable is fittedinto the casing under the battery same idea as the thing coming out at the throttle body but a damn site harder to spot

You end up with the right side (Usually) at partial throttle and the mixture cobtrol side is at where it should be

if you check both bits of both cables are seated in their holder and try again

If it's "almost" going try opening the throttle about a 1/3rd

That's what MikeP had wrong with his and it was an utter bitch to fix :(
That's what MikeP had wrong with his and it was an utter bitch to fix :(
Nope s'easy good pair of LOoooonnnnnngg bendy nose pliers

carefully and firmly hold cable near the top (but just firmly don't squash the bloody life out of it and break the outer sheath!)and take weight off it by rotating the throttle body pivot quadrant thing with your finger(s)

Then carefully pull the cable back a wee bit at the upper end and wiggle it a bit and insert into the recepticle under the battery tray and slowly realease pressure on the quadrant and that should snap it home

Need another Stell~Ah Arrr~TWaa Where's me mate Ugg got to wiv the Popcorn???
Nope s'easy good pair of LOoooonnnnnngg bendy nose pliers
You are right, it is dead easy to fix, I think that Bill meant that it was a bitch to diagnose because it looked okay.
Thanks for all the help. I posted them off to my mate first thing and later this morning I got an email....He got it going after checking all connections etc again......

"Sounded rough as badgers nadge - left hand pot was knocking like crazy,
let it warm up and oil up and she settled down - went for a ride... all
well. came back, turned it off and turned it back on - all working
proper... next will be cold start test - but reckon we're back in

Still not too sure what the problem was, but thanks again. :thumb

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