1200 GS Manual...... where from ?


Registered user
Aug 11, 2005
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Here Today, There Tomorrow
Hi Gents,
I was wondering whether it is possible to download the subject manual from the web.
I did for the F650GS a while ago, so I assume I'd be no problem for the more widely diffused bigger brother :D

Thank you for your reply.

Drop me a PM and I'll send you a link to a site where I downloaded mine.

I'd post it here, but I suspect it's not strictly legit to do so.

Cheers, Ross.
Tip: Search for torrent "BMW R Models Reprom" Latest reprom for 04-07 GS is 5th edition 02/2007 (DVD). You have to install a bittorrent client to download. Good luck!
Yep, that's the place.

I did find a later version of the manual (much better images) on bittorrent though as well.

Cheers, Ross.
I have the RepRom, its a bitch to download over the web. The content is very good, but is a striaght installation guide for parts etc. There is no trouble shooting. Don't get me wrong its a useful tool for cahnging anything. But frankly I think the Haynes manual is more usefull for most people, and it cpst only 15 quid from nippy normans.
haynes re written

I have it on very good authority that the haynes manual for the GS / GSA is being re-written and will be ready before the end of the year covering models to 09.

This was on an earlier thread and I used it to download the manual. Also had to download a programme called daemon tools lite to convert it to a readable format. http://www.carlsalter.com/motorcycle_manuals.html

This site gives you an ISO image of a CD which any decent burning software (I use Ashampoo from a magazine cover disk) should let you burn a usable Reprom CD. There are lots of other manuals there as well.

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