General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enabled networks offer 'always-on', higher capacity, Internet-based content and packet-based data services. This enables services such as colour Internet browsing, e-mail on the move, powerful visual communications, multimedia messages and location-based services.
imagine having your pda phone and open it up and ring a cab company, they say "where are you" and you check your phone and send them the info, or they get it automatically and send the nearset cab to you.. knowing your location thanks to gprs
or else just think of parents bieng able to find out where there kids are, or spouses checking on their partners.. all thanks to your mobile
the list is endless, but the biggest problem is legal..
freedom of information, do you want your telco to know where you go, when you go there, and what your up to all the time..
thats the doozy...