I make my own aerials,in fact I have just made two for 446.
I purchase the 2.5 mm whips and 3/8th screw in bases from Moonraker,run a free antenna length program,cut them a tad longer then set up a test rig and trim them for best VSWR.
enough 2.5 mm stainless whip to make several is about £4
screw in bases are £3 each
small clamp mount on rear rack and some rg58 coax fitted with whatever plug you have converted your pmr to
( BNC is favourite....apparently) and bobs yer granny
I have one here but cant find a tape measure,I'll post the exact length when I can,these ones are nearly dead needle at 446.00625,my ikle vhf/uhf vswr meter aint the most accurate but the radio I was using allowed me to move up and down either side of the reference frequency and watch the vswr untill I knew I was on the sweet spot for 446.Saved a load of hacksawing
I had a source for tunable whips complete with micro magmount and thinet coax fitted with a bnc......these were very discrete and removable.........magnet is an inch or so in circumference and thin (about 1mm)black whip was about 4 inches long for 1/4 wave at 446.But I cant remember where I got them now...........its an age thing.