Aerostich Roadcrafter / GiMoto Turismo

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Ian M

I went to the NEC bike show yesterday to find out if I could buy a Roadcrafter one piece suit since it came top in the recent Rider Power survey. I had looked at the Aerotich web site and realised that I might be able to purchase over the Internet. It looked expensive at about £750 due to import duties and VAT (cost in the US £450). Their site address is

I had almost given up hope of finding anything when I came across Protec Q Ltd stall selling what I at first thought was Roadcrafter suits. They were in fact copies of the Roadcrafter made by GiMoto. Cost for this years suits are £450 but I purchased one of last years for £375. Early days yet but the suit looks well made. The GiMoto web site is and the suits are called Turismo. Anyone else bought one?

I enjoyed the show and can't wait to buy one of the new Rally II suits - red to match the ADV.
been thinkin

ive been thinkin bout the aero suit ,what do u think of the gi moto suit , do u think the protection is comparable to leather , is the quality good, is there a liner, is it remoeable is there air vent,s. where bout,s in nec

I don't know how good it is yet but it appears well made and the suit is lined with protection at the elbows, back, shoulders and knees - allremovable. Does it protect like leather - probably not. Look for Protech on the show directory, I think it was in the far left corner.

I would like to see Aerosuit and compare the quality. If I go to the US in the summer I might try and buy one.
think i,ve been

without lookin at a map ,,? i think i,ve been to eastleigh,, can,t think why is there a bus company there, or a commercial yard.

Eastleigh is half-way between Winchester and Southampton jt 12 /13 on the M3.
Without waiting 3 or 4 years to see about durability, let us know in a couple of weeks (bound to have had torrential rain by then) how it seems,
At half price of the Aerostich and with 112 yr pedigree, its worth a close look

did u know that there was a fellow , a very civil fellow ( well most of the time anyway ) on the let-on aerostitch stand.This fellow had a awful look of dissapointment on his face while trying on the oh so sexy (not) gia moto suit.

you know when u see Mr. j foreinger on his travel,s , and u think how bad his/her all in one suit look,s, well thats aero or the other wanna be tourisimo. ah well,,,, ur,s civility himself.
I've had a GiMoto suit since May last year. Had a few problems initially with the straps on the arms but these have now been cured. I had also thought about the Aerostitch but was put off by the hassle of importing and worried about getting the right size (not to mention the cost).

Anyway the GiMoto was an impulse buy (not something I often do!).

I agree with Tim that its probably not as strong as leather but it is well made (straps not withstanding). No separate ventilation though that is not much of an issue in the UK - I have an Airflow suit for really warm weather. It has been waterproof, comfortable over long distances and is a doddle to put on and take off. The big selling point for me is that it goes over work clothes with no problems.

All in all I've been very pleased with it. You want the Giali stand at the NEC.

I have used an Aerostich roadcrafter daily for three years, still unmarked and doing a superb job. Sizing shouldn't worry anyone, go onto their site and look at the charts, knowing your own measurements will help, if in doubt call or email them, they are very helpful. As regards cost/hassle of importing? where there is a will there is a way :p

Also these things do the job should you stuff it, the picture shows a friend after stuffing it at the nurburgring at 60mph plus, suit was scuffed but he was undamaged and following some patchwork its back in service. Same goes for the rather sad looking 1100GS!


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Roadcrafter suit

I have my Areostich, Roadcrafter suit for 3 years.
(1 piece full armor, light grey /orange impact areas)
Toured all over the US and most of Europe with it. They custom tailored it, after I tried on an off the rack suit and need some alterations in the shoulders. Its very weather proof, as I am about to set off for a trip to India on the GS;
I will be crossing a wide range of climates.

I know not having the factory in Europe is a drag, but this is a product that the maker really stands behind.

By far the best investment I have made in motorcycle gear.


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