another (old) newbie...


Greetings folks, been meaning to sign up for ages... I already know a couple of members via bike dealings. Constantly changing stable of bikes; no wife = no limits :beerjug: If only it wasnt so twisty getting trhough the kitchen, the lounge is soooo aching to have a bike lift in the middle.
Greetings folks, been meaning to sign up for ages... I already know a couple of members via bike dealings. Constantly changing stable of bikes; no wife = no limits :beerjug: If only it wasnt so twisty getting trhough the kitchen, the lounge is soooo aching to have a bike lift in the middle.

Welcome to the forum Kitch, its good to have you with us.

A bike lift in the lounge .... :eek ..... what can I say, I guess it beats flowers in a vase. :D
Howdo and welcome. Mate of mine has an old Rudge in his living room... With a drip-tray underneath!
Hi Kitch & welcome to the site, hope that you enjoy your stay :thumb
Its OK not having a wife, but who picks up your toe nails, once picked, from the lounge carpet!! :D

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