Another what fecking oil thread...


Registered user
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, Nr. England
Sorry... Sorry... Sorry...

But frankly, I don't fecking care :P

I've spent all fecking day trying to source oil for the final drive... I'm fecking soaked cos its been pissin it down down here... I'm starving cos I ain't had no pasty for lunch... And I still don't know what oil I should be using...

The help page R1200 Info says use 75/140 which no cnut has ever heard of, so I'm assuming this is a yank oil.... :blast

this thread says use Castrol SAF XO which no cnut has ever heard of :blast

Mr. BMW says use Semi Synthetic Castrol SAE 75W 90 API GL5 which is what I have bought :eek::eek::eek:

So, the definitive answer... what oil for the final drive??? :blast:blast:blast

Oh and while I'm here... am I ok using CV Lith Moly grease on the splines :nenau

Now I know Tarks is going to go mental :rolleyes: and there is going to be much piss taking :eek: but frankly I don't give a damn right now :P

Cheers muchly in advance :thumb
Now that the latest 1200s have a drain plug in the final drive, is it now part of regular servicing to the change oil? and if so, at what mileage?

And just so I don't completely hijack the thread, Nate I use the 75W/90 semi GL5 stuff:thumb


Now that the latest 1200s have a drain plug in the final drive, is it now part of regular servicing to the change oil? and if so, at what mileage?

And just so I don't completely hijack the thread, Nate I use the 75W/90 semi GL5 stuff:thumb

Dunno, I'm doing mine cos I fancy having a go at 16,000 miles :eek:

Like someone very knowledable said... better to spend a tenner on the oil, than a few hundred on the FD :clap

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