Auto Com 200


Well I have purchased an Auto Com 200, I now need to fit this on my 1100.
Any one have any ideas as to were is the best place to put the unit and pick up a supply, I have found a live coming off the rear brake light, (green live ) but I thought that i had reed that you should not pick up off the braking systerm ??. Any help please.
All ok

I also have the kit 200 and took the live of the brake, not sure if its right but has worked well for last year and i also use the kenwood packset rider to rider. Took the toolkit out under rear seat (1150) and autocom & packset fit great in there now. If all else fails try this
Hope that helps:thumb
Hi Rich
sorry to be a pain and lazy :D but while your here just bought a zumo550 can this be connected to the kit 200 duo? and maybe in the future my phone?:beerjug: and hopefully i can get them ordered asap.
Just phoned autocom found out i have the active-rider kit 3 & ordered lead 1314 to give music etc. from zumo to a/com. Have to hang fire with the phone one as she quoted me £75!! not that bothered to answer phone just yet.
ah ok yeh I think you spoke to claire as I was shouting out the part numbers and prices to her while you were on the phone.

So are you actually running an Active-7 or Active Plus as im kinda lost?

Rich :beerjug:

Hi Rich Just been in garage to check the unit fitted to the bike and it says active-7-smart. Manual & box say kit 3 hope this helps you as i'm lost:confused:
some time ago i ordered some bits and was told it was replaced by the kit200 i think thats where all the confusion has come from sorry Claire :beerjug:
No worries mate the Part 1314 is a universal part and will work with either systems, the only difference would of been if you were trying to connect a phone etc. But if you are after just the GPS and music to begin with there will be no problems at all mate.

Rich :beerjug:

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