Bin Lurkin'


Registered user
Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
Whiteabbey, Norn Ireland
Just a quick Hello and a big thanks for all the excellent articles and advice on the forum.

I've been devouring, (lurking) all the information I can about buying, modifying and owning a GS.

Armed with this information I feel a lot more confident about my inpending purchase, so thanks again.

I look forward to meeting fellow "Tossers" on the road and over the horizon.

Whiteabbey ? I was rared there

the first big house on the entrance to the Glenavna

Now We'll see how long ya been there

If you lookin an 1150 I think I know where theres a good one about to go on the market?

Welcome to the GSer's forum


we'll have ti wait fer Nud1e to arrive to do some more reminiscing!!!!

Cheers Guys, thanks for the welcome.

As for the Glevana, went to the sunday night "disco" a few times but spent more time in Mulvennas and the old "Jordy" It wasn't too far a stagger from Fernagh Ave.:beer:

A clean and tidy 1150 is always worth a look. It could be "The One" more details please if it's still available.

If you're about the 42 43 age group I used to hang about up there By Brians Chippy

I had mates who lived down Princes Road:- Nigel Hart, Marty Kerr and Des Fraser? Those names ring any Bells?

Also have a Mate Roy T that Lives down Fernagh AVe in the quay vipers With a V Max
Just a wee bit...

Just a wee bit younger that that Jaythro.

None of the names ring any bells but I have chatted to the guy with the V-Max a few times in passing both on the road and the crescent chippy; Never knew his name til now.

Went on the Vipers charity run last year down the coast.

One of my mates dropped his brand new R1 in the que for the car park in Carrickfergus before the run started.:blast

I don't know what was worse for him dropping his new bike or dropping his new bike in front of 3000 other bikers.:blast

Are the local Gser's involved in any charity activity?

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