Daytona MStar boots - feedback?

Deleted Member I

Someone on here recommended I try out the Daytona M Star boots because it has a hidden heal .. so that I can reach the ground on my GS.

How much of an improvment does it make? I have not been able to try one out in a shop properly. The only place that had the shoe in stock only had a larger size.

Tried a pair of regular road star GTX yesterday and do think Daytona is a quality product.

Wonder if it is worth buying this or a pair of "off road" style boot as they are ridgid and provide ok leverage that I need.

Any owners of the M Star boot out there?
Hi Novice.
Guilty as charged,
I bought my pair about 6 months ago. They give you a genuine full inch on your height. (I put a mark on the wall:eek:)
If you've had Daytona boots before I don't need to explain the quality etc.

If mine were stolen tomorrow I'd go out and buy another identical pair!
I have had mine for a couple of seasons, you have to adjust the gear lever up, but they are waterproof, fit well, they were comfortable from day one, and do make a difference ;)
Adjust gear lever?

They looked the same on the outside as a regular boot?

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