Found one of the rear turn indicator lights wasn't working on the HP2 yesterday.
Got a new bulb to put in but found that one of the connector wires on the back of the reflector had corroded. Also the whole of the inside of the indicator housing was full of mud and grime. Looked at the other side and the same was happening.
Seems that water and mud can enter the the housing from the other side, under the rear mud guard round the loosely fitting rubber gromet over the wires.
I took the whole lot off and squirted some "roof and gutter" sealant into the gap in the cover round the wires. If you take the reflector unit off you will find that the indicator housing comes apart making it easy to squirt the sealant in.
Got a new bulb to put in but found that one of the connector wires on the back of the reflector had corroded. Also the whole of the inside of the indicator housing was full of mud and grime. Looked at the other side and the same was happening.
Seems that water and mud can enter the the housing from the other side, under the rear mud guard round the loosely fitting rubber gromet over the wires.
I took the whole lot off and squirted some "roof and gutter" sealant into the gap in the cover round the wires. If you take the reflector unit off you will find that the indicator housing comes apart making it easy to squirt the sealant in.