directional tyres


hi all, this may be a stupid question, but took delivery of my 1200 on friday night and one thing ive noticed over the weekend is both front and rear tyres are michelin anakee's and there directional tyres, but the front tread pattern goes the opposite direction to the back one, has anybody else got these tyres?, ifso are yours the same?, or am i right in saying that some numpty has fitted the tyre's the wrong way round??:eek:
yes lads i checked the directional arrow, and yeah they go the right way, both arrows face the towards the front of the bike, but the tread patterns even tho there the same they go opposite directions, could be just me? maybe thats how there sposed to be?:mmmm
well that anserd my question daint it! nice one mate:thumb2, sometimes i just dunno how u guys pull the information up so quick!!
Think the treads look reversed 'cos the stresses in each tyre are in reverse, ie front designed with braking in mind, rear designed with drive in mind.

But I might just be talking bo££ocks :thumb
I'm sure LuckyLucian is correct. Front tyre brakes and rear tyre drives. Fortunately only the French have ever made a front wheel drive motorcycle in any quantity.

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