I do mine because I like to know how things work, its not difficult, your next scheduled service would be 12,000 miles.
In addition change the brake fluid yearly and fit Speedbleeders to make the job a cinch, the valve clearances take me about 1.5 hrs now after having done it a few times.
The boxer engine is not advanced and nothing on the maintenence side is beyond the ability of a DIY mechanic, just be thorough and carefull, change the gearbox & final drive oil at 12,000 and use Mobil1 Fully synthetic 75W - 90 gear oil.
Keep meticulous records of what you ahve done and keep the recipts for matieriels used.
Should cost about £80 for the bits. Oil, oil filter, air filter, brake fluid, gear oil. Your brake pads should be OK check the rears carefully as they wear much quicker than the fronts.