downloading ditigal photos on a trip?

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can any of the IT boffins amongst you tell me the besat /easiest way to savedigital photos on a long trip?
1.loads 'n loads of memery cards......a assume you'd need to download a program to burn images on a disc from either a card readeror the camera?
any help?
i'll gladly ring or in staffs area call
In Asia, for example most internet cafe have burners. So buy one big card and when its full go in an internet cafe and burn a CD with the contents, maybe even two to make sure.

Thats what I would do if I did not want the hassle of taking a portable. Or for next to no money these days buy a USB 2.0 external hard disk and fill it up as you travel
Assuming you can get access to an Internet Cafe and that the PC's are reasonably modern, you can get card readers that plug into a USB port on the PC from and other places (search for "Card Reader").

I believe that later versions of Windoze (2000 & XP) recognise the devices automatically.

Your photos can then be copied onto the host PC and uploaded to an on-line album such as SmugMug.

Of if you have a card reader, you could set up an ftp site before you leave (it will probably cost you less than a fiver a month to have this hosted by someone so you don't need to run it off your computer) Then upload all the files from your memory card to your ftp site when you get to an internet cafe (this can take time depending on cennection speed).

You can run ftp from a command prompt and if you have a card reader already there's no need for extra software or to burn any cds.

The advantage of this solution is that someone at the other end could download them off your ftp server and store them on your home machine or similar for when you return and enabling you free up space on your ftp server.

All you need for this is a card reader, a pc with a USB port and a 'reasonable' internet connection.


This is just the ticket..

...the Apacer


DiscSteno keeps everything in your digital output backed up onto either CDR or CD-RW. Runs on batteries and these can be recharged (though mine last pretty well- - easily the average 2 week trip.

Pretty much fire and forget to operate; I can do it in a jiffythrough a partially opened zip without out getting my kit out of the bag or even off my shoulder. It means you always have all your pics on CD ready to post home ( Ist Class post is a pretty reliable extra back-up insurance policy!) and/or show the natives in the next town....
Hum, FTP sounds good and 500Megagytes in the uk only costs 20£ but you won't get broqdbqnd in someparts of the world like most of ireland and I for one would not have the patience to upload all those images at modem speed.

Especialy as my camera is set to top quality thats 2 meg a photo.
Work it out...
bryan said:
can any of the IT boffins amongst you tell me the besat /easiest way to savedigital photos on a long trip?
1.loads 'n loads of memery cards......a assume you'd need to download a program to burn images on a disc from either a card readeror the camera?
any help?
i'll gladly ring or in staffs area call

Try an Archos which have a couple are more functional than an iPod but not as cool ( )

They have three devices:

Gmini 220 20Gb incl MP3 & FM Radio & Photo viewer approx £270
Gmini 120 20Gb incl MP3 approx £180
AV Series from 20Gb to 80Gb incl MP3, MPEG, Radio etc prices go from £200 to £700!!

Also there are a number of other storeage devices out there which are cheaper. Check some of the photography pages
Dunno about these portable disks - you might as well get a teeny weeny laptop - think of all the other uses you can put it to. JVC and Sony do some spiffing ones with 30 or 40 gig of disk. My Sony C1 often goes where I go - it's smaller and lighter than my camera+lenses and fits in the smallest of tank bags. (JVC's equivalent is even smaller.) And it runs PhotoShop and PaintShop Pro. And it's got Autoroute, the bike's workshop manual, my entire music collection, the Paris Hilton video...and if all these wifi hotspots get going I'll be able to surf and email on the road to my heart's content. (Actually I already can with my satphone, but 9600 bps is kind of limiting.)

Sorry, this is getting ridiculous.
Re: Re: downloading ditigal photos on a trip?

AdamZ said:
Try an Archos which have a couple are more functional than an iPod but not as cool ( )

They have three devices:

Gmini 220 20Gb incl MP3 & FM Radio & Photo viewer approx £270
Gmini 120 20Gb incl MP3 approx £180
AV Series from 20Gb to 80Gb incl MP3, MPEG, Radio etc prices go from £200 to £700!!

I've got the AV340; love it to death BUT you cannot download photos from a digital camera direct to it.

Its essentially a self-contained hard drive so you need it to be connected to a pc to be able to 'click & drag' to it; also, I don't see how you could get a card reader to work with it as there would be no 'software' interface.
Re: Re: Re: downloading ditigal photos on a trip?

ralphy said:
I've got the AV340; love it to death BUT you cannot download photos from a digital camera direct to it.

Its essentially a self-contained hard drive so you need it to be connected to a pc to be able to 'click & drag' to it; also, I don't see how you could get a card reader to work with it as there would be no 'software' interface.

I understand that there is a 4 in 1 Adapter that supports SM/SD/MMC/MS conversion to CompactFlash which can then be read in using the CompactFlash reader

Compact Flash Reader Part No. 500561 €40
4 in 1 Adapter Part No. 500587 €50

See on

These work in the AV100 & AV300 series...

It is not possible to transfer direct from the camera you have to take the card out of the camera!!

My son wants one but he can buy it himself :D :P
Bought my son an Archos for his 21st.

He bought a camera add-on.

Probelm solved.

Stores his pictures/videos as he goes and still has room for all of his music and some videos to watch while he's away.
Re: Re: Re: Re: downloading ditigal photos on a trip?

AdamZ said:
I understand that there is a 4 in 1 Adapter that supports SM/SD/MMC/MS conversion to CompactFlash which can then be read in using the CompactFlash reader

Compact Flash Reader Part No. 500561 €40
4 in 1 Adapter Part No. 500587 €50

See on

Thanks for that!
(I was told 'it will be available sometime in the future' when I bought my unit.)
So more goodies to buy.................

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