ESA ???


Registered user
Jul 30, 2008
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Milton Keynes
Possibly a silly question:

If ESA fails on your GSA does it default to some medium setting or does your PAJ leave you stranded at the side of the road/track/in the middle of no where???:eek

Possibly a silly question:

If ESA fails on your GSA does it default to some medium setting or does your PAJ leave you stranded at the side of the road/track/in the middle of no where???:eek


It's a bit the old Citroens, the shocks sag to the bump stops and the bike is not rideable.....................time to call BMW Assist:augie
Not got ESA on GS but do have it on K12GT.
Recently the wire to the front shock snapped and all that happened was the shock wasn't adjustable but did not "fail" just stayed on setting prior to failure.

Puzzled with your "sag" scenario?
Can't see how it would make bike unrideable?
It only controls the setting electronically not the pressure within the shock.
The bike would sag only if the shock itself had failed.
A friend had it fail on his R1200RT.

All that happened was that he lost adjustability. Perfectly rideable. :thumb2

That was the only thing that worried me about ESA. More electrics = more to go wrong.

At least it doesn't collapse.
Had my front ESA shock replaced recently as it was working intermittently. When it wasn't working the suspension felt harsh but the bike was easily rideable.
Ditto. Packed up on my new 08 GSA but just stayed stuck in the mode I'd set it at.

No problem riding it.

Let's hope I never find out! :D

I wouldn't want to see them deflate as much as my wife's :boobies


:D:D:D:D infantile SOH


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