Firefox now installed how do i kill of IE7


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Apr 25, 2006
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After IE7 decided to 'die' (would log into Internet then close immediately, none of the online solutions would stop it doing this) - I've installed Mozilla Firefox and wow what an improvement!! Really quick to load pages and a nice user friendly GUI. Wish I'd done it years ago!

So the question is how do I now remove all of the IE software from my laptop with XP installed as ther eis no option in the add/remove programs to do this (surprise, surprise with it being Microsoft software and all....)

Any advice appreciated!
Just ignore it and be aware that there are still a few sites that are incompatible with Firefox, they are thankfully rare and getting rarer but they are still about.:thumb2
I you want to try XPlite you can download copies, it allows you to selectively uninstall various parts of the operating system, its great for laptops with limited memory and hd space
leave it and install IE8 over the top when it's released soonish. should fix problems in your old IE7 and add a whole bunch of new ones :D
Just make Firefox the default browser and leave IE. Windows update uses it (at least in interactive mode) and a very few websites need it (Intelligent Finance was one) but, if they are viewable properly only with one browser, you have to question the proficiency of the site's programmers.
Some web sites (admittedly fairly few these days) check that you are using IE. You can download a Firefox User Agent Switcher (google it) which makes firefox look like IE when the check is made. The web site may not behave perfectly but at least you can access it.
cheers guys very useful info, so far I've not encountered any probs with the sites I've tried to access.

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