Fixing Kit 1100s and SPIII

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bikerbear
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Hi Folk

I have a SP3 (fully working thanks!) whats the best way and place to fix it to the R1100s Has anyone got a pic?

Whats the best way to wire it up on the bike, use the accessory plug or hardwire, If I hardwire whats the best way?


I run a GPS V on my S and use a RAM mount (clamp around the ignition barrel) but I think this may be pushing it a little to support the SPIII.

The other options are a Touratech mount or a Saeng mount.

Hard wire seems to be the most popular with the SPIII but I've ftted an accessory socket to the cockpit area and use a plug so that when I use the bike without the GPS unit there are no unsightly wires dangling.

For more info you might want to ask on the S forum


I have a spare Touratech bracket for the SPIII as I am upgrading. The S yoke bracket from Touratech is about £19.


I use a Touratech locking bracket on my S and have wired my SP111 directly to the battery and to my Autocom.
Cant show pics, as I am not a forum sponsor.


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