Foot Guards

Believe civil made his own version out of an old conveyor belt, perhaps somebody could find the relevant pic and re-post. Ain't got time meself right now, off out on the piss :)
Bit late in the year for them isn't it. I'm going to knock a batch up in the summer if you want some good uns, for next year.

But not now:beer:
Foot guards

Vern said:
Bit late in the year for them isn't it. I'm going to knock a batch up in the summer if you want some good uns, for next year.

But not now:beer:

How much??
:beerjug: :beer: :beer: :beer:
People laugh at these things, but IMHO they are one of the best bits of kit you can stick on your bike. Make your feet a bit hot in summer but worth their weight in gold during the winter. Keep your feet dry and a lot warmer. If I had to recommend a bit of kit for the GS, these are what I would choose. Does exactly what it says on the box.
I've got some Wudo ones i never fitted, still in the packaging. Who wants 'em at a knockdown price yet to be determined?

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