Fording Videos


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Feb 2, 2006
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darkest Wussster, England
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This is the first of four video clips I will be posting of the Corwen Ford, out and back. When I have done those I will edit and post the shots from the other two fords. Please bear with me as it is a tedious time-consuming process. I will probably then lump all of it onto a DVD if people want.

I have not tried to label each run because I was not sure who was who - perhaps it is better that way - or not. You tell me.

Anyway, more to follow...:D
Second Corwen Fording Video

Okay, have to go to work now so will post other two from Corwen this evening hopefully.

A general comment; I tried to get everyone's runs across the fords but if I did miss anyone - sorry, better luck next time. I think I managed to catch most of the stuff.

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I owe, I owe.
So off to work I go...
Very enjoyable! My little girl would like to know if the men standing in the water got wet socks :D :thumb2
Very enjoyable! My little girl would like to know if the men standing in the water got wet socks :D :thumb2

I can reliably inform your little girl that we did indeed get wet socks. Oonyack and I walked around barefoot for a while to try to stop trenchfoot setting in and I saw a pair of red socks flapping about in the wind dangling from the topbox of the bike in front of me on the way back.

'Twas well worth it though and nice and warm so not really unpleasant. :D
Oh yes..

I HG toureg water proof boots certainly are indeed ! They let water in but wont let it out :eek: :D

Wet feet is part of the fun of going fording.
I HG toureg water proof boots certainly are indeed ! They let water in but wont let it out :eek: :D

Wet feet is part of the fun of going fording.

My feet were still wet (and extremely stinky) last night at 7.30 when we got back......John's right, Goretex boots are no good for's back to Sidis next time for me :blast :blast
Corwen Ford Video Pt 3

Here's part 3...

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and Part 4

:thumb <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

The next installment covering the trip to and through the second ford will follow in a day or two as I haven't even uploaded it to the PC yet.

Parts 5 and 6 The Second Ford

This is the first part, travelling to Nant-yr-onog:confused: Ford and the first few forders

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Below is the other part of the Nant-yr-onog section. It includes those priceless moments:
- Wizard's come-uppance (in for a penny... in for 11,500)!
- the flooding of the FS650!
- the attempted 'hit' on Fanum which failed due to his cat-like reflexes!

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At this point in the day, although the camera was working perfectly, the cameraman was starting to malfunction from an excess of merrymaking the previous night :beer: :beerjug: . So sadly that is all the riders I got at this ford (I am not giving up the day job).:blast :blast

Apologies to those I did not capture for posterity, hopefully someone else has immortalised their heroics and I can add that stuff to the DVD I will put together.

The next thrilling(?) installments will include:
- FS 650 inversion :eek
- Das Boot, The Lord High Admiral of Oonyakistan
- Sycomoto's demo of how to ford (on someone else's bike):bow
- Sycomoto's demo of how to ford (with more than enough wheels):P


The last installments should be up within the next week (I hope). The Toad's View thread has had some postings about doing a DVD. Anyone else who is interested based on the evidence above in seeing the whole thing at normal size with stills, maps, music, slideshows, gps files etc can post here or PM me.

Likewise anyone (that I haven't already PM'd) who is willing to supply pics or vid from
- the ford run
- the road run
- the off-road run
- festivities

I would welcome the chance to include it but I make no promises about what stuff would make the final cut. The editor (me) retains the right of editorial-lack-of-control. PM me or comment on this thread if you have stuff from the weekend I can include and I will contact you.


PS the DVD is going to be reasonably clean - if pics didn't make the moderators lofty standards of decency:confused: , I will not be using it either.:D. I will try to complete it by end of June, other committments allowing.
and for those who missed my post elsewhere...

Tractorpilot will be sending me a master copy of the DVD and I will be duplicating and distributing it FREE OF CHARGE to anyone who wants it.

Any donations towards this will be gratefully received by Madmikey and Sharribee's Mountain Rescue fund. Full details when the DVD is ready to be sent out.

If someone wants the uncut and indecent version, then send me the pics / vids and I'll put together the 'Roy Chubby Brown' version. :D
The videos from the last ford.

In three parts:

The first part
- in which our band of adventurers (and non-adventurers) triumph (?BMW?) over technical adversity by turning the FS650 upside down to drain out the remaining "oil",
- in which they travel to the site of the third ford,
- in which a bike receives an unintentional steam clean.

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The second part
- in which HRH the Lord High Admiral of the Oonyakistani Navy tests the diving characteristics of Das Boot,
- in which Clive wafts across the river after a midstream pause for thought,
- in which the Tossers are given a display of ankle by Sycomoto as he shows Flipfly how it should be done,
- in which The Toad makes his crossing of the river.

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The third part
- in which an airhead completes the crossing,
- in which Sycomoto takes his Warrior equipped with special FTC equipment (Flipfly Traction Control) over the ford,
- in which, assisted by his loyal supporters, the steed of HRH of Oonyakistan is returned to service
- in which our intrepid adventurers depart for the hostelry :beerjug: with washing flying from topbox.

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Enjoy :thumb

Nice to see you posting!

Thanks Sandra - nice to see you have started posting. Has your other half got over his identity crisis? Has he changed his name or not?:D
Top Bombing

I enjoyed watching your videos. I would like to come along and join in sometime. My Wife on the other hand cant see the point. But then she likes cricket and I cant see the point of that!! :thumb :aidan
Great vids....Not been there on my bike yet, but here's the Landy doing the Corwen Car Wash in Stills:


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