Just done a service on the tractor, 1150 GS and after fitting the new alternator belt found it wouldent start!!, thought back to Mr S's sticky re belts
thought I'd damaged the wire from the hall sensors, got a spare plug and all sparking well. Finally found that the q d connector was ever so slightly out of position and I mean very slightly. And so of course no fuel getting through,
so pushed it hard and all was well again. So, if your stuck check mthis little point so slightly out I couldent belive that was the prob, but it was and all is well.
Another piece of usless imformation from, pause for fan fare!,
dave (abba fan) GS.
thought I'd damaged the wire from the hall sensors, got a spare plug and all sparking well. Finally found that the q d connector was ever so slightly out of position and I mean very slightly. And so of course no fuel getting through,
so pushed it hard and all was well again. So, if your stuck check mthis little point so slightly out I couldent belive that was the prob, but it was and all is well.
Another piece of usless imformation from, pause for fan fare!,
dave (abba fan) GS.