The Gorge
The gorge is a 3 minute ride from the event, as is called the Parnache Gorge (or something like that). You go to where the ski jump is, park your bike and it is a 10 min walk up a road/path. It costs around €2 to walk through, but well worth it!
Just next to the ski jump there are some tabogans which are a good laugh. It is quite a steep slope, and takes a brave man to come down full pelt.
The furthest you will camp from the main event is around 300 meters, which I think is ok. You will likely have to park your bike on the main parking area (not next to your tent) but again this will be anything from 20 to 300 metres from your tent. Your bike will be safe, and will blend in nicely with the other 8,000 GS's and 22,000 other BM's.
I would certainly go for a day and a night then take the opportunity to have a blast round the Bavarian area. Saturday night is normally the best, but I don't think it really matters.
There isn't a lot to buy, most of the stalls are only there to advertise and don't have a huge stock to sell.
It is free to get in, free to camp, beer is great and is reasonably priced and the food is reasonable as well.
I have been the last 2 years, but it is only a 880 mile round trip for me. Voyager would sometimes do that in one day!
I will be in Canada so wont be this year.
If anyones goes will they get me a T Shirt please?