I have an 1150 GS. Yesterday whilst riding through traffic, my gear changing started playing up. To begin with I couldn't get into third. With a bit of jiggling around of the pedal, I could get it into third, then it wouldn't go down to first! Then it appeared to clear up. Today the same thing is happening. I have only done relatively short distances through traffic so havent really been able to give it a good run through the gears. I had a look in the dark just now when I got home and the pedal does not seem to be returning the the neutral position after changes.
Any ideas?
I have an 1150 GS. Yesterday whilst riding through traffic, my gear changing started playing up. To begin with I couldn't get into third. With a bit of jiggling around of the pedal, I could get it into third, then it wouldn't go down to first! Then it appeared to clear up. Today the same thing is happening. I have only done relatively short distances through traffic so havent really been able to give it a good run through the gears. I had a look in the dark just now when I got home and the pedal does not seem to be returning the the neutral position after changes.
Any ideas?