GPS III+ Software

  • Thread starter Thread starter paulm236
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Hello GSers

I've got a GPS III+ which is pretty good as far as it goes. I do find plotting routes on the PC and uploading to the unit is a pretty lengthy and tedious task. I don't really want to upgrade to a V as this would be a bit expensive... what would be great is some PC software that calculates routes (like Microsoft Autoroute for example) but then also creates a route file compatible with Garmin units that could be uploaded... Does anyone know of any such software?


I agree

You know, I was about to ask the same question. I had a go at making a route on the Mapsource software on my PC last night, and it's a far from simple task, and invariably the software draws the route in what looks like a very indirect route to the destination? Is there not a fastest versus shortest option on the PC programme? if there is I couldn't find it!

As you say.... MS Autoroute express is a far nicer programme to use, but of course even if I could link that to my Garmin V, then I doubt it would support the 'turn by turn' navigation.

I'm going to have another go at compiling some short test routes this weekend, and will post my 'findings'
Re: I agree

willstatt said:
You know, I was about to ask the same question. I had a go at making a route on the Mapsource software on my PC last night, and it's a far from simple task, and invariably the software draws the route in what looks like a very indirect route to the destination? Is there not a fastest versus shortest option on the PC programme? if there is I couldn't find it!
You are able to specify certain routing requirements in mapsource under 'Preferences' to get there Edit-Preferences-Autorouting from there you can specify FASTER TIME/SHORTER DISTANCE/DIRECT ROUTE - Unless your are in desert territory I'd not bother with DIRECT ROUTE - it's a chocolate fireguard for any other application (on the unit they call the same option OFFROAD).

Also you can specify, no highways, u-turns, and toll-roads and if realistic durations are important to you change the default settings for road speeds here too, they are a tad optimistic :D

Ensure you replicate the same settings on your GPS unit too otherwise it won't correlate.

If you knew all that then sorry I have no further idea.
I don't have any of those options in my MapSource Software, I just went to the Garmin Website and downloaded the latest (v4.09) - is your version unique to your GPS unit? Which one do you have?

paulm236 said:
I don't have any of those options in my MapSource Software, I just went to the Garmin Website and downloaded the latest (v4.09) - is your version unique to your GPS unit? Which one do you have?

Now I have SPIII & City Navigator but until recently I had GPSV & City Select - personally I can' t see a single differnece between the two Mapsource titles.
Mapsource routing

Thanks for that jud9e, I wasn't aware of all that...... very helpful, I'll have another go tonight... the mapsource manual is pretty sketchy to say the least I reckon!


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