GSA - Rear brake disc warped at 9500miles


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UKGSer Subscriber
Aug 11, 2003
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South Shields
1200 GSA just over 2 years old. Booked in for annual service and just been informed rear disc warped.

Used mainly for long runs (never round the town, never wellied) is this a bit premature?

cost quoted £220 fitted. How does that sound?

the bike does not have ABS fitted.

Ah yes the Disc isnt easy to fix like the 1150 ,does yours have servo brakes? its the servos that drag the rear brake causing overheating Buggar!
I have done well over that distance in a year on a 12GSA and no disc or brake problems (for the 11-1150 lovers no problems at all with the bike) so i would say it is premature.
I dont however have ABS, if that might make a difference, though i cant see why.:nenau
If there is truly no reason that you know of that might have caused a problem with the disc i would talk to your dealer nicely and try and get a goodwill gesture.
Good luck.
have you checked the disc yourself. I have had a scenario where dealers seem to feed on a perception that a lot of BM riders are not mechanically minded. Was told on my 6000 service that the rear brake pads were getting low did i want them changed, 7000 miles later there is still plenty of life left in them. :rob
Personally I don't think that a rear disc warping at 9500 miles is acceptable. I would be looking to BMW for some goodwill.

I have had 3 front discs on my GS12 (all under warranty) and they changed the wheel with the 3rd disc (about 20K miles). Seems OK since ( now up to 37K miles).

I also know of an RT which had 2 discs warp in around 10000 miles, so there is a history of this sort of thing happening, although all of these cases were with cast wheels.
Took my 07 12GS in my local dealer with what I first thought was a warped rear disc. Turned out to be the disc carrier was bent. I was told it was the second one they had had in with the same defect.
Ask your dealer to check it out.......F
Having had a GS12 (19k when sold) and now GSA 12 currently 13k neither have had warped disks both had/have ABS, this thread and previous ones ponders the question is it your riding style that is causing premature disk warping. :aidan

Fudpucker yours is what I would call a geniue manufacturing fault which is rightly corrected under warranty.

never a back brake rider... first set of pads.. honest I do not ride on the edge


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