Have you used these vacuum gauges?

make your own for £3.

try a search for "manometer" ;)
get a set of these ;)

just out of interest, i tried making a manometer despite owning the above. got fed up pissing about trying to damp them/experiment with different fluids/amount.

maybe i'm just not a manometer god :nenau
Make your own, it's a piece of piss.
If you really want to spend £15 send it to me and I'll make you one.
OK, not as portable as the Carbtune but more accurate.
Due to a certain lumpiness and some new vibration through my right foot I thought it was time to look for a set of vacuum gauges for my 1150.

I saw these on E bay for £15 - has anybody had any experience of them?


I've got one, delivered fast, does what it says it will.:thumb

There's a write up, and various attempts at making the same thing here

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