Foto John
Registered user
Yesterday I came back home from a short but fast ride, I never take her anywhere near the red-line, but something strange happened. I switched off the ignition and parked the bike outside the garage whilst opening it, once opened I fired her back up again to ride her in over the curb and into the garage, but as soon as she fired up a load explosion and a puff of smoke came from the left hand cylinder head.
On closer inspection it looks like something has leaked out between where the cylinder head and the engine block is. There's some sort of burnt debris on top of the fins on the cylinder head, forgive me my ignorance but could it possibly be the head gasket?
On closer inspection it looks like something has leaked out between where the cylinder head and the engine block is. There's some sort of burnt debris on top of the fins on the cylinder head, forgive me my ignorance but could it possibly be the head gasket?