Hello from Texas


Hey all, Scott here in Denton, Texas. I ride a '99 Dakar Yellow and Silver 1100 GS. Have seen lots of references to this site on other sites and finally was reading a tech related thread that popped you up. More new reference materials for me and looks to be a great site!
Howdy.....only thing that comes out of Texas is steers and qu.....ah forget it, you've probably heard it already.....:blast

hope you enjoy the site and happy biking.....:thumb
Welcome Scott :thumb2

(need to have a look at the map to see where Denton is :eek:)

Al :thumb

(just googled it - you've almost got Dallas spreading out to your town)
Welcome Scotty :thumb2

Hows the weather been for you this weekend, battening down the hatches a bit?

I've done a little bit of ridin' around your neck of the woods. Lake Lavon, Lake Ray Hubbard around the McKinney area and out to that diner that does great breakfasts in Celina ( can't remember the name). So good we went back again.:bow

Been into Plano Honda a few times and also met the worlds sexiest bike saleswoman in the Harley dealership at Allen. She was so good I nearly bought a Harley even though there was no way it would have come back inside my suitcase/ been within my luggage allowance:D

Will probably go back to Dallas sometime late 2009 so you need to give me a couple of suggestions for some proper 2, 3 day rideouts rather than just the really local stuff. Already done Austen and San Antonio , was thinking about somewhere north of Dallas next time .

Hope you like it in here :thumb
Thanks for all the welcomes! Feel free to say anything to me, I won't be offended. I am too waaayyy laid back plus I hang out at Advrider so my mind is numb.

You are right about the bike. I have searched and searched for a bike with the same factory paint scheme and have only seen a pic of one in NZ and the other belongs to one of your mods here. Saw it on a suspension rebuild link. Can't recall who's it was though at the moment.

Saturday was fairly crappy with wind and rain all day from the hurricane even like 300 miles inland. Sunday was supposed to be poor as well but when the sun peeked over the horizon Sunday morning I realized it was going to be a great day. Was only able to get around 250 miles in for the day!

Rushy, it sounds like you are due for a trip to Arkansas. Lots of great roads and scenery within 6 hours of the metroplex.

Later all!

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