Help! On tour- starter motor (valeo) broken


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UKGSer Subscriber
Feb 9, 2003
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Hi all,

1995 r100gs/of valeo starter motor needed

Currently on tour in France having been to dolomites. Starter motor gone and currently having to bump start 250 kilo bike(plus luggage)

Next big town bourges/tours. Does anybody know where I can get a starter motor there? If possible coordinates or phone number would be great. In absence of wifi a txt with possible source would be great (07797748511).

Thanking for efforts in advance

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You could try this bloke -
He has a lot of old BMWs in stock but suspect he doesn't stock many spares but he might be able to give you a contact if he can't help.
Autoroute says he's 90 miles from Tours.
He only speaks French I'm afraid, well maybe a couple of words in English.
Good luck.
dont know if this helps but decided to go to the scrappy when my starter broke. I found a suitable donor in a 1.2 corsa. they can also be found in peugots, citroens and a few others. there are a few diferent d6ra valeo starters. the motor and solenoid are interchangeable with the airhead starter so any of them will do. all you have to do is swap the motor bit over from the donor. alternativly any valeo service agent should have the parts. Bm
There is a main BM bike dealer in Tours called Bellanger Motors. tel no 02 47 54 05 64.. at 220 bid Charles de Gaul. 37540 Saint-cyr suer Loire.
I only kow this cos they fixed my Bertha when she let go last year.
Hope that helps.

I'm a bit south of where you are, north Dordogne.
I have a spare starter that has been modified by Erich Demant. The magnets are bolted in so that point of failure is gone!

PM me if any good.

Thankyou one and all

hi all,

All fixed. Went to tony- motarrad south of Saumur who turned out to be a legend.

Basically, I arrived and took my tank off . He rebuilt the starter motor there and then. Usual prob of magnets falling off- he replaced the whole casing including the magnets- hey presto all worked!

While there at my request he checked out a stocking choke cable and replaced it & balanced cards. 1.25 hours labour euro160 total.

Bike as good as new!

Thanks one and all for all your help. You trully saved Me a great deal of grief. I did not fancy bump starting the bike to get off the ferry!!


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