Help! Twat Suit Zip replacement - Any Ideas?


Registered user
Sep 25, 2006
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Surrey / Wiltshire / Lahndan
The zip on my trusty "Twat Suit for the discerning gentleman" has given up the ghost and I need to replace it urgently as it is the only jacket I have and i am getting soaked!

Can anyone give me some advice as to how I can get it changed? I do not know anyone who is handy with a sewing machine

Laundrettes often have a repair service as well
I was about to offer some advice..... but then saw your avatar.... so in the meantime cut a hole for your arms and head in a bin liner, that'll keep you dry:thumb
Nine Lives are very good for leather repairs and alterations, and they do zips too. Not a huge distance from you, so might be worth a call?

Nine Lives, 13 Morris Rd, Farnborough, GU14 6HJ Tel: 01252 523232

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