

Don't follow me...I'm lost too
UKGSer Subscriber
Aug 8, 2004
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Sunny ish Devon...just....
Any of you lot going this year?
I'll be going on the Friday......anyone else fancy coming along??......:kissy2
H i Jaq ;)

yes i'm thinking about going at the momment, but work commitments at the mo :confused: means I dont no if i can make it for the friday yet, will have to wait and see a bit closer to the day although i no its only a week away or so. Devon has shown an interest as well but he is not sure yet either.

cheers Badger :thumb2
I won't know if I am going for sure until the wednesday before. I think I am right in saying there are a few southwest GSers travelling up. What about meeting up at Exeter services again, like last year? I could be there if I can make the weekend.
Okey dokes.....well, let me know when you know chaps......I need someone to follow!!!!!..........:D
I'll be going on the Friday but taking car and trailer. Got to take the GS to Steptoe for some TLC and new bearings in paralever. Wife is coming with me so also need car to bring all the junk she requires for camping.

Good news is that there should be room on my three bike trailer to bring my new KTM 640 for the off-roading on the Plain. :)

See you there.
Im going on the friday, but cant leave till about 4.15 from st. austell area, so see you all at andover.
I'm going... but following me from the Cotswolds really isn't going to help you :blast
I can do Friday night. So I will be going up Friday returning home Saturday evening. Badger's also going up Friday.

We could be at Exeter services for 2pm if anyone wants to meet up there?
Yes, going up friday, leaving Barnstple 1pm so will be at exeter services for 2pm
will prob meet Devon at the BP garage roundswell Barnstaple at 1pm if any body from North Devon wishs to tag along

cheers Badger
Okey dokes....see you at Exeter services at 2pm.....
Top end (by petrol station) or bottom car park (by buns!)?.....:D

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