How Do You Install A Migsel Mount ...


UKGSer Subscriber
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Somewhere on the Canal Network
... to an 1150GS?

I have taken a quick look through this section and Equipment but cannot find any detailed instructions. (I really do need to learn how to do proper searches rather than just singular words!).

Does anybody have instructions? Would it be worth making it a Sticky?
Help required ASAP before I just decide to dismantle the cockpit and cock things up.

Screen of ....

Clocks shrowd guard of .....

Then you can see back of clocks .....

Loosen speedo cable from any cable ties etc ....

Loosen speedo from clock housing and pull forward ....

Slide mounnt behind speedo and refit everything :)

Thats how i did it i think :p

PS .... If speedo cable to tight remove the cable from clock or wheel and it will make it easyer :bounce1
10 minute job....................very starightforward and just commonsense

Just follow your instincts
And when it's fitted it looks like this:


Note the cool mileage. :cool:

1. Screen off.

2. Little silver "fly screen" off.

3. Remove the two nuts that hold the speedo in place.

4. You should be able to slide the clock forward enough without undoing the speedo cable to enable you to fit the mount around the facia of the clock.

5. Slide the clock back into position and redo the two nuts which will tighten the clock against the mount thereby holding it in place.

6. Refit the silver "fly screen".

7. Refit screen.

8. 15 or 20 minutes tops. Have a beer and a smoke, you're done.
I presume its the one that fits behind the speedo housing? If it is you fit it as follows

1. Remove screen

2. Remove the top cover (part number 1 above the lights)

3. Undo the 2 10mm nuts at the back of the speedo housing (part number 3 on speedo - bit fiddly and small fingers help)

4 Gently pull the speedo housing forward until you can slide the migsel mount behind it

5. Push the speedo housing back against the migsel mount and refit and tighten 10mm nuts.

6. Refit top cover.

7. Refit screen

8. When done it should look like this
You certainly were all busy. And quick. Thanks.
Maybe we all have a bit too much time on our hands due to the snow.
Well, seeing as I could not get to work, I am off to mount the mount.
You certainly were all busy. And quick. Thanks.
Maybe we all have a bit too much time on our hands due to the snow.
Well, seeing as I could not get to work, I am off to mount the mount.

Don't forget your mittens :)
Two extra points worth noting.
  1. Before you undo the 2 bolts holding the speedo in place, push a rag into the tight gap underneath, as you are almost guaranteed to drop one or both of them. At least if they land on the cloth, it's not a 10 minute job to find the bloody thing again. DAHIK. :blast
  2. There is a small roughly triangular rubber piece between the speedo and the knurled knob. For some reason it isn't shown in the drawing in post 11, but it's definately there. When you pull out the speedo (don't take it out all the way - just enough to slide the mount behind it) the chances are that it will move, so when you refit the speedo, make sure the rubber piece is set flush against the speedo before you tighten things up. Otherwise, you'll have to undo the lot to set it properly. DAHIK that either. :banghead:
All done and dusted.

Does anybody have a short RAM arm for TTv2 (RAM-B-201-A) before I go and buy one? I did put a WANTED posting up but guess none out there.
Please PM if one spare.
You'll always forget something... Still, at least it'll look like the rest of the bike ;)

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