Registered user
Until now I have't found a way to change my user-info, so that's why I place this msg here....
Since 1984 I'm a member of MTC Holland, a nationwide club of
motorcyclists of all kind, with an even greater range of different bikes (MZ to GW). This club was founded on the Red Square in Moscou in 1967 during the FIMrally, and since then our members have toured quite a lot through Europe, visiing all kinds of interesting places and mc-rallies.
So if you need info about mc-events / mc friendly campingplaces
ect. just mail me or look at our clubsite... perhaps I can give you the info needed...
My favorite countries to travel to are Norway and Sweden, I've been there several times now, visiting some rallies (in Norway),
and have quite some nice info / pictures for everybody interested in goin' up there...
Or when drivin' from the Dutch coast to Germany, and in desparate need of some coffee/tea/other help, just make a stop in Tilburg...
Since 1984 I'm a member of MTC Holland, a nationwide club of
motorcyclists of all kind, with an even greater range of different bikes (MZ to GW). This club was founded on the Red Square in Moscou in 1967 during the FIMrally, and since then our members have toured quite a lot through Europe, visiing all kinds of interesting places and mc-rallies.
So if you need info about mc-events / mc friendly campingplaces
ect. just mail me or look at our clubsite... perhaps I can give you the info needed...
My favorite countries to travel to are Norway and Sweden, I've been there several times now, visiting some rallies (in Norway),
and have quite some nice info / pictures for everybody interested in goin' up there...
Or when drivin' from the Dutch coast to Germany, and in desparate need of some coffee/tea/other help, just make a stop in Tilburg...