Laird of Berwicks troops massing on the Border

Oonyackistani forces sending in advisors:augie

Forry on Tweed to be declared an independant state:thumb
Typical Jockinese colonialism! :mad:

I happen to be a Freeman of that outpost of civilisation. Just may have to return and exercise my right to enter the town "Colours unfurled, drums beating and bayonets fixed!"

No appeasement! (It's the Sudetenland all over again!):mmmm
25000 troops my arse..... Forry you're getting Flashbacks

It's really 25 OAP's outside the Post Office waiting to get their pension:aidan

The up side... at least when you play football or rugby others won't hate you any more:D
Riding the bounds tonight on the GS :moped:

Can't get moved for bloody camera crews :blast
I hear that to appease everyone, Berwick On Twat shall be known henceforth as being half Scottish and half English. They are to use one half of each country's name and are to say that it is situated in SCOTland/EngLAND

Seems fair enough to me. :thumb
Just think, Forry...

...Nae mair abject failure and utter humiliation at World Cups and Euro Championships :thumb
The Burgh of Dalkeith, 3rd Company, 1st Armoured Batallion has been called into service....because we're supporting the Scottish Parliament they've agreed that we can get all of your land to house our many eastern european friends who are in desperate need of houses and jobs.....:augie

:eek:onyack :eek:onyack :eek:onyack :eek:onyack :eek:onyack :eek:onyack

Please please please don't wake up Fife.................It'll be the end of civilisation as we know it!................Trust me on this one!


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