Laminar Lip Part 2


Registered user
Mar 1, 2007
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KL, Malaysia
Having finally got some time to play around at the weekend, I have had better results with the Laminar lip. In an earlier thread I had mentioned that first trials had not had much effect on the noise problem I have been experiencing on my GS with standard screen.

Put having put in a few miles and had the lip in various positions using masking tape to hold the lip in place I think I've found the best position for me, and there is a big improvement.

There is still wind noise, but its not the whistling or buffeting type, more of a simple road roar. Stange thing is that its actually better with my visor open that it is with it closed.... does say something about the noise effectivness of a Nolan flip up - or total lacke there of. So the helmet with be the next in line for change in my quest for a quieter ride.

So the Laminar lip gets the thumbs up as a relatively cheap way (about 55 quid delivered to singapore and only took 4 days to arrive from the US).

I'll only say to be prepared to play around and experiment with the position of it.
My solution was simular... but instead of a laminar lip, I used the top of my OEM 1200 screen... (I use the bottom, by itself, during the summer)

The reason it's quieter with the visor up as the (necessary) shape of the visor... you 'bump' it a little and it radiates the sound into your ears... like a concentrating reflector.... My Schuberth C2, which has great sound insulation is particularly bad for this...

But getting the turbulence to hit above my shield has made all the difference in my riding comfort and I can now listen to my iPod while buzzing along on the motorway in all but the worst cross-wind conditions...


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