lucas sintered clutch

how far to

hello very impressed with the site,read through the threads on this forum and learnt a suprising amount,cheers to everyone who has selflessly posted what they know.Just recently destroyed clutch number 5,determined not to fit another sachs clutch kit as even with road use only once got to 45k before top gear roll on slip.Even had the centre disintegrate on one after 20km[replaced for free but doing 2 clutches at the side of the road the same week was not fun].do not have enough money left for a ceramic tt one and any case repaired a ceramic clutch on a mates bike where the friction plate had totalled the cover and pressure plate at about60k which seemed an expensive way of achieving the same result.I love my 1100 but just had to leave it at a mates gaff in Germany as was at the end of the dosh and had limped back from the far side of the Ukraine.Could anyone with experience of the lucas sintered offering be good enough to leave their impressions?Thanks very much.
hello very impressed with the site,read through the threads on this forum and learnt a suprising amount,cheers to everyone who has selflessly posted what they know.Just recently destroyed clutch number 5,determined not to fit another sachs clutch kit as even with road use only once got to 45k before top gear roll on slip.Even had the centre disintegrate on one after 20km[replaced for free but doing 2 clutches at the side of the road the same week was not fun].do not have enough money left for a ceramic tt one and any case repaired a ceramic clutch on a mates bike where the friction plate had totalled the cover and pressure plate at about60k which seemed an expensive way of achieving the same result.I love my 1100 but just had to leave it at a mates gaff in Germany as was at the end of the dosh and had limped back from the far side of the Ukraine.Could anyone with experience of the lucas sintered offering be good enough to leave their impressions?Thanks very much.
Are you changing all three plates or just the friction plate? The reason I ask is that there are lots of posts to say not to just replace the friction plate.:thumb2 5 clutches seems a remarkable problem.
hello mate ,changing the lot,grease were needed,leaving free play at lever and actuater arm[incidentally change that as well as ive snapped one in the past and seen another that looked on its way out] give tem abit to bed in and also realise that its a weak point and so try to be mechanically sympathetic so try not to slip it or spin it up wheelie etc.Problem is no matter how I ride,be it gentle motorway touring or despatching like its a war ive never got a decent mileage out of a clutch can live with all the over foibles as they are easy to fix,but the clutch is a pain in the ass.....just trying to find something that has a decent service life as IMO the OE sachs setup is piss poor 50k miles would be acceptable.I change the engine seal as a matter of course and even paid mr bmw to do it once to see if I was doing something wrong,now think its just a crap design with a frction plate made of chocolate.Thanks for taking an interest there must be another way regards
This sounds like one for Mr steptoe... the clutch on the 1100 should (and do) last between 40K and 300K. There are plenty of 1100s out there still running happily on the factory fitted original. (mine included) - after almost 9 yrs.

5 clutches?????... something is going severely wrong somewhere... and to say that the OE is "piss poor" isn't born out by experience... yes.. Its not built like a brick shithouse... but they're not 'that' fragile.
This sounds like one for Mr steptoe... the clutch on the 1100 should (and do) last between 40K and 300K. There are plenty of 1100s out there still running happily on the factory fitted original. (mine included) - after almost 9 yrs.

5 clutches?????... something is going severely wrong somewhere... and to say that the OE is "piss poor" isn't born out by experience... yes.. Its not built like a brick shithouse... but they're not 'that' fragile.

There's one common link with this bikes problem - The rider :nenau :D

5 clutches seems excessive to say the least
hello,take the point about rider,fair enough but know that i am not the only high miler with this problem/obsession.IMO there is not enough swept area on the plate nor is the friction material of sufficient depth or quality.Sorry but really have a bee in my bonnet about this one,love these bikes but wen i die my own personal hell will be doing 4v clutches for all eternity with the odd honda v4 pipe replacement flung in for good measure.Incidentally what were they thinking of when they made the actuator arm out of alloy.If anyone knows of steel ones please let me know cheers

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