Mapsource odd ball routing??


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UKGSer Subscriber
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
North east
Hi, could be me being a complete mupsky but I'm finding it impossible to do a direct route between Bormio and the prato allo stelvio in map source. I've tried on numerous occasions and regardless of how i do it it takes me on a huge 90 mile loop avoiding a section of the stelvio as if there no road there. I've altered the preferences un-ticking the avoid the seasonal road closures box but its still not routing directly!!! :mad:

Any ideas??
Have you altered your preferences?

Most direct / shortest route?

Fastest route?

Favouring motorways / main roads?

Failing that, simply create via points / way points, over the pass.
Hi, could be me being a complete mupsky but I'm finding it impossible to do a direct route between Bormio and the prato allo stelvio in map source. I've tried on numerous occasions and regardless of how i do it it takes me on a huge 90 mile loop avoiding a section of the stelvio as if there no road there. I've altered the preferences un-ticking the avoid the seasonal road closures box but its still not routing directly!!! :mad:

Any ideas??

Have you got "avoid u-turns" enabled? It could be treating the hairpins as u-turns, and routing you away from them.

I seem to remember a similar post last year, but can't remember what the answers was.
Cheers guys :beerjug:

Steve your correct it was the "avoid U turns" setting - once disabled it worked fine.

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