Rock Stock
Step 1: Get Volvo'd (unless finances permit you to toss hard earned money down the "improvement" rathole). Tower menacingly over yuppie f#ckwit Volvo-cell-phone-operator/driver and get a declaration that
"it's all my fault"
Step 2: Collect insurance check.
Step 3: Grab a bunch of other people's take-offs (forks, fr-wheel, bars, etc) at 1/2 the price on the estimate and stop by your friendly local Touratech dealer.
Step 4: Realize that all the bloody instructions are in German, and that you neither speak or read that cruel race's language, and press-on-regardless. I mean, it all has to fit
someplace, right?.
Step 5: Paint with discount auto-house bumper spray for $65 (USD) in the back room of your apartment. Mum's-the-word to the landlord, eh? Still not sure about the blue highlights. At times I think they are gay-as-a-debutante. May re-shoot them this winter.
Well, I do have some advantages. Touratech-USA is about 10 blocks from my cave, and Tom and the boys are great guys. As are Norm and the lads at Ride West BMW here in Seattle, USA, who didn't blink an eye as I hauled truckloads of take-offs into their shop for installation and who understood that while I may have been paid for stock body work none of the stock Bavarian plastic was going back on, and, this can not be emphasized too much, my landlord is never about. A lesser dealer would have insisted on factory fresh BMW parts. B#llocks that. A lesser man would not have done all this work on the rear deck of an apartment bldg.
So I now have 39L of range, beefed up fork springs, re-positioned controls, and a stock exhaust with a Techlusion "Fuel Nanny". And I may be the only rider in the USA that appreciates the stock exhaust, but I think it is a pretty nice design. Quiet, US Forestry Service legal, and cheap as a take-off. So much so that I have two spares (cheap from the Staintune faithful).
Anyways, this is just about perfect for where I live. Lot's of mountains to explore, twisty back-roads, and lot's of dirt ranging from single track to endless miles of fire roads. Please don't hate me.

Well, not for superficial reasons.