My first step....


Hello friends,

Close to retiring because of injuries received at work. Thought I would do the right thing and buy an 1100GS but I had dramas with it, not running properly. Got rid of it as I couldn't afford paying mechanics to guess what was wrong. The dealer I bought it from, did the right thing, taking it back and selling me a 2006 R1150GS Adventure. More money but teh GSA was sheer bliss.

I was as pleased as punch and had all sorts of plans to travel Australia but they were canned when I found that a work-related shoulder injury prevented me from rides longer than about an hour. Surgery is planned but I will be laid up for about 6 months and cannot afford to have my baby just sitting in the garage, doing nothing.

Hard choices made, I sold my baby to Mike, a very nice bloke, doing a world trip. It was hard to see her go but I know Mike and Sylvia will enjoy the time and money I put in.

If you're interested, please go to to see some photos of 'Skippy'.

Maybe, when the shoulder is repaired, I'll be able to return to the fold and find friends like Mike and Sylvia and feel the wind in my face again.


welcome :thumb2
shoulder opps! i had five up till now :eek::tears:tears
i'm sure you will be fine! its wonderful what they can do now :)
Hi Haldo :thumb Sounds like a bit of bad luck with the shoulder :(

Just because you are between GS's shouldnt stop you hanging around here ;)

Keep on posting until you get another one..

Bryn :beerjug:
Haldo welcome to UKGSer, its good to have you here with us.

Join in where you can, its always good to have new virtual voices heard amongst the regulars here.

hey there Haldo, hope you will come and waste a bit of time on here until you get yourself back in the saddle.....:thumb

good luck......:D

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