Dear all,
I've requested by account be removed from the site as I'm getting to irate with some of the persistent arse holes on this site. When your considering meeting another for a kicking it's time to stand back and ask why I'm bothering myself.
I'm not any longer. Thanks to all those that have arranged ride-outs and those I've met in the last couple years. It's a shame when I've just got the 1200 but I feel I'm being wound up like a spring on this damn forum.
I'll probably be on less ride-outs as a result but here's my email if you fancy letting me know about anything NE'ish.
contact -at- igaro .dot. com
I've requested by account be removed from the site as I'm getting to irate with some of the persistent arse holes on this site. When your considering meeting another for a kicking it's time to stand back and ask why I'm bothering myself.
I'm not any longer. Thanks to all those that have arranged ride-outs and those I've met in the last couple years. It's a shame when I've just got the 1200 but I feel I'm being wound up like a spring on this damn forum.
I'll probably be on less ride-outs as a result but here's my email if you fancy letting me know about anything NE'ish.
contact -at- igaro .dot. com