Nav II / 2610 Maps

Owen Snell

Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Gainsborough, England
I have a Nav II unit that was fitted to my GS when I bought it.

I am just starting to work out how to use it now - when I first looked I found it rather complex to use compared to my TomTom and put it back in the box:confused:

I am having another go at it now and have a question on the maps.

I just tried to set up a destination and found that I could not get the destination road to come up when I searched for the address on the Nav II, only a nearby road. However, when I looked on the MapSource on my PC and zoomed in on the correct area, I did find the road I needed and was able to export this to the Nav II.

Are the maps on the PC map source more detailed than on the Nav II or do I need to do something different when searching for a street name? Do I have a better map on the PC that I can export to the Nav II? Am I just a bit dim:blast

Any beginners advice appreciated:thumb2
You have my sympathy, because I never really got to grips with this. I now use a device with a full 7-digit postcode search - problem solved.
Just went on the Garmin site to find out about map updates and it let me use the registration code to order a 2008 mapsource FOC. See if this is any better.

However worthwhile the maps, the 2610 will always be a 5-character-postcode-search machine.

However worthwhile the maps, the 2610 will always be a 5-character-postcode-search machine.

Yes, it does seem limited, but it is already installed and I don't fancy spending a few hundred on a replacement at the moment. I will have to live with it / leave it in the box.
I am just starting to work out how to use it now - when I first looked I found it rather complex to use compared to my TomTom and put it back in the box. .... I just tried to set up a destination and found that I could not get the destination road to come up when I searched for the address on the Nav II, only a nearby road.
What road were you trying to find? :nenau

I'll have a crack to see if I can find it.
What road were you trying to find? :nenau

I'll have a crack to see if I can find it.

It was a road called Garnett Place, Skelmersdale. I could not get it to come up on the Nav II search, but when I zoomed in on the mapsource on the PC, it was there and could be found by searching as well. Anyway, it uploaded from mapsource to the Nav II OK. I have been following the idiots guide in the mapping section (maybe should have posted this there):blast This has helped.

It all just seems un-necessarily complicated and not at all intuitive to use the Garmin compared to the TomTom (car type, so I can't use on the GS), and I am not used to planning routes and waypoints on the PC. I can see the benefits of the Garmin way of working, but it is very hard to get started.

I found it straight way on my GPS with CN2008 - obviously without the Postcode. Maybe you'll be in luck with some new maps in the unit.

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