NEW Screen for GSA


Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Dec 8, 2007
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Southampton, England
I would like to upgrade / buy a new screen for my '07 GSA. I like the std screen but need one about 2-3" taller.

I have considered the spoiler from Touratech.

Any suggestions please.

High Screen Issue

I Had the same problem on my 07 gsa. Loved the protection but suffered wind in my face at any high speed. Bought a higher screen from Nippy Norman but while it is the right height the screen was much narrower at the top and the wind was hitting me on both shoulders badly.
Eventually bought a Laminar Lip from the states and at attatches on the top of the origional screen with four adhesive pads with velcro. I didn't think it would work but believe me it does. I ride the bike every day and have no wind / turbulence problems. Am 6'2'' it has transformed the bike for me. Can ride any speed visor up.

Ps. Anybody want a Nippy Norman High Screen for an adventure?
Hey K5elg, I found the web site, which I guess is where you got it from.

Its not clear if the product comes with the dual lock fastenings....did yours come with it? Ta.
Laminar Lip

Yes it came with everything you need including extra sticky duel lock fastners.. If you do get one be sure to stick it in warm conditions and leave overnight. I did it too quickly the first time and a couple of them became unstuck after a few days. I fitted the Lip quite high up on the screen and as I have said can ride at any speed visor up without any turbulence. Helmet noise is also greatly reduced. The only slightly annoying thing is that I sometimes get a whistling noise through the gap betwween Lip and origional screen but it is small compare to the advantages.

Good Luck.
That looks like exactly what ive been needing. :rob I looked at the TT one a while back for my 06 GSA, but wasnt convinced it would greatly improve the wind blast. The Lip looks more substantial, and its the same width too.

K5elg, do you think maybe the whistling might be helped by adjustments to the position of the screen up or down a fraction? :nenau
You may well be right. I have the screen as high as it is possible to go. I can see over the top of it at all times only just.The trouble is that once the four securing pads are attatched to the origional screen you cannot re-use them so I have not tried it any lower. The wistling does not always happen and depends on wind direction as well as speed. If I put my finger in between the gap of the screen and the Lip the whistling goes away.
Would still rather have it the way it is.

You may well be right. I have the screen as high as it is possible to go. I can see over the top of it at all times only just.The trouble is that once the four securing pads are attatched to the origional screen you cannot re-use them so I have not tried it any lower. The wistling does not always happen and depends on wind direction as well as speed. If I put my finger in between the gap of the screen and the Lip the whistling goes away.
Would still rather have it the way it is.


Hi Keith, any chance you could post some pics, and maybe an idea of how much higher than the instructions, you have fixed it. I`ll order one and probably fix it with industrial strength Velcro first, if possible, to give me a bit of scope for movement. Im 6ft and found that if I ducked about an inch, there was virtually no buffeting at all with the original, so may not need much.

Here you go....pic off the Laminar Lip site....


Good as they are, 56 quid seems a bit steep for a bit of clear Lexan. ISTR I paid about $50 cash for mine from the factory in Orange County....:D

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