Yep there are other forums but personally this post is about "Git it Up Ye Noodles!" and Mandy and Noodles would have to be Members of the same
"football" forum to be able to say "Get it Up Ye Noodles!" And I would like to state that I am not personally saying "Get it up Ye Noodles!" I wouldn't do that
I think if folks gave a political shit then they'd have complained already!
Nice One for standin up and speaking out but I think We're here for the craic and a slagging match and to talk about our bikes occasionally Hmm In reality in the Ireland section There's not much talk about bikes It's mostly slaggin Innit?
Anyway I take no offence except nobody has told me how the bloody points work!
I know I don't need to stand up for Mandy (she only disappears if I stand Up! then I have till look down till find her again!
) but feel that I have to say that this is about ragging Noodles about his counties defeat and although he's saying nothing I sense that he's taking it well
In Saying that It would have come back to Mandy just as bad had Down lost and she'd probably beat him to death wi a rollin pin next time they meet