Now in Esfahan


Never knowingly understood
UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 13, 2005
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South Yorkshire
Now in Esfahan for a couple of days. We need to extend our Iranian visa's just in case we can't get in to Pakistan. We understand there's bin a bit o' bovver on t'other side :eek:

The roads are much better here in Iran then in Turkey, but every bus, lorry and ubiquitous blue pick up belches smoke and fumes, you need to hold your breath as they pass you :eek:

Just a couple of piccies for now.....

1) Watering hole

2) Sh*t hole (comode Asian style) :eek:



  • Watering Hole.jpg
    Watering Hole.jpg
    70.1 KB · Views: 675
  • Comode Asian style.jpg
    Comode Asian style.jpg
    73.1 KB · Views: 700
TAke some time out to visit the "Persopolis" while you're in there linky it's well worth a visit

Thats quite a civilised potty you're on! Wait till you get down to Bandar Abbas or Bandar e lengeh They haven't quite got the hang of U bends yet and in high heat they're quite fragrant in summer!

HodaFez! :thumb2
Micky are you heading to Yazd next ???

Cheers Joe ... we're not heading for Yasd but travelling more south to your fave spot Shiraz and Persepolis as per Jaythro's suggestion.

We've been nearly all day here in Esfahan extending our visa's for Iran. We could have got to the Pakistan border with the days remaining, but there was no leeway for stopping off anywhere, breakdowns :eek: etc. Sue's belt and braces policy comes in to action again ;)

We've just made contact with the Pakistani Bikers Club and once across the border we'll be meeting up with them for a few days ... we're looking forward to that :thumb

I could do with a :beer: or five :eek:


Nice one Mick ... As always a inspiration to us desk jockeys .... Will miss you in Adara this year .. Look after your self...
Nice one Mick ... As always a inspiration to us desk jockeys .... Will miss you in Adara this year .. Look after your self...

"The distinguishing mark of true adventures, is that it is often no fun at all while they are actually happening."
Kim Stanley Robinson

Where the heck didya get that one from Steve :eek:

Could almost be true :thumb

Give everyone at Ardara my best regards please :beer:

Yo Decster... the red face from sunburn and not thrusting :eek:

In Iran

Since you are in Iran,Try to get to the Persopilis.
I was there in 1989, whilst working in Iran. It is stunning.
Since you are in Iran,Try to get to the Persopilis.
I was there in 1989, whilst working in Iran. It is stunning.

Cheers for that Myke ... we spent a good day there, awesome :thumb

We've had no internet access for a while, so will update further as and when possible. We've just dived in to an internet cafe in Sirjan for a few minutes.

We hope to be at the Pakistan border sometime this next week :eek:


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